
Category archives for Execution

Choosing the best data centre in MT4

  • 28 February, 2018
  • 5:34 pm EET

Depending on a broker’s MT4 infrastructure it may be possible to connect to your broker from a list of different data centers. This option exists if your broker uses the MetaTrader 4 Data Center component, which connects traders to a…

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How to check execution performance

  • 20 February, 2018
  • 5:48 pm EET

Trade execution can often be critical or at least impact a traders P&L a bit, especially when placing larger orders or trading when the market is choppy such as around news times. To understand execution a bit better we need…

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Close-By order closure facility in MT4

  • 20 February, 2018
  • 5:45 pm EET

Experienced traders may be familiar with the “close by” facility to close orders. However, it is surprising just how many traders are not aware of its existence in MT4. In addition, it is quite interesting to note that a lot…

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